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RBSA Friends Exhibition 2025 Highly Commended Artists Announced

Last night we celebrated the opening of the RBSA Friends Exhibition 2025. Despite the cold, over 150 people joined us in the Gallery, including many of the exhibiting artists and their guests.

At 7pm, RBSA President Viv Astling introduced the exhibition and congratulated all of the artists on their success in being selected for the show. The RBSA Friends Exhibition is always very competitive and the standard of work exceptionally high, and this year was no different. Everyone commented on the quality of the artwork on display and the crowd were delighted with how the exhibition had been hung; huge thanks for this go to Simon Conolly RBSA, our Honorary Curator, and his team of volunteers.

Viv then announced the artists who had been awarded the Highly Commended accolade for their work:

Mohammadhadi Ghahramanpouri
Eternal Grace
Copper engraving

The judges were particularly impressed with the detail that Mohammadhadi had achieved using this exceptionally difficult technique of engraving copper from behind to create the textured surface.

Christine Hardy

What with today’s obsession with AI technology and its implications for society, the judges agreed that the concept behind Christine’s work made it a very powerful piece of work, executed with impressive exactness.

Andrew Stevens
Winged Minotaur VI
Metal, wood, and recycled materials

In what Viv described as a “tour de force in sculpture” the judges commented on the astonishing list of items used to create this wonderful 3D piece and the detail and delicacy that Andrew had achieved.

Gerry Stokes
You Don’t Say

With this drawing only being 53cm wide, the judges commented on the detail that Gerry had achieved using just charcoal. They also enjoyed the composition and joyful subject matter.

Peter Wilding
Portrait of Stuart Wilson

And finally, the judges were very impressed by Peter’s use of such an interesting background for this portrait. They also enjoyed the gaze of he subject and his quizzical expression.

The exhibition is on show until Saturday 8 February and visitors can join us for artists’ talks on Saturdays 18 January and 1 February,