Support as an RBSA Friend

The RBSA Friends scheme provides an important platform for artists at various stages of their career.  Our Friends community are invited to submit their work for the Friends Exhibition, which opens every January.  This exhibition offers a wonderful opportunity for artists to have their artwork on display in a public space and feature in the annual RBSA Friends catalogue, which includes every single piece of work in the show.  Friends benefit from free entry, (as they do in the Summer Show), and hanging fees are only required if selected.

We invite Friends to participate in special Drawing Days at locations around Birmingham.  Previous events have taken place at the Greek Orthodox Church, Winterbourne Gardens, and Aston Hall.  Four times a year, we also offer Appraisal Days, during which Friends can discuss their work as they develop their practice with the encouragement of RBSA Members.

Not every RBSA Friend is a practising artist.  We have many art lovers who demonstrate their support for the RBSA through a subscription, and they too enjoy the benefits that come with it, including Invitations to events, networking opportunities, RBSA newsletters, and discounted workshops.

The Friends subscription is £45 per year or £40 per year by Direct Debit and starts from the date you join.  A three-year subscription can be purchased for £115 (£38.30 per year), and we offer a five-year subscription for £185 (£37 per year).