> Artists, Exhibitions, The Society

RBSA Graduate Artists Announced

Following the RBSA Graduates Exhibition 2023, we are pleased to announce that all of the entered artists have been awarded a three-year Graduate Artist Membership to the society.

The Graduate Artist Membership provides early-career artists with the opportunity to exhibit work at the gallery. Over the course of their three-year membership, they will be mentored by current RBSA Members and Associates, receive guidance on the development of their creative practice, and the practicalities of exhibition design and installation.


The RBSA is proud to welcome the following artists to the RBSA Graduate Artists Programme:



See exhibition images and works from each of the artists below.



We look forward to working with each of these artists over the next few years. In the meantime:

Ross McCormick currently has a work on display as part of the RBSA Summer Show.

Imogen Morris is running a Drawing with Thread Workshop at the RBSA Gallery on Saturday 29 July.

Amber Banks Brumby is running a Mindful Photography Workshop at the RBSA Gallery on Friday 4 August.

Abbie Severn is running an Urban Drawing on Location Workshop at the RBSA Gallery on Thursday 10 August.