Michael Riddle is a self-taught artist based in London. He is mainly interested in painting people, in oils and gouache. In his paintings he explores the sense of a fleeting moment, capturing a thought or emotion. Although his paintings begin with a real sitter, they are not necessarily portraits & he will often push an emotion or exaggerate features to create a sense of narrative.
Michael has exhibited widely & has exhibited regularly with the major art societies including the Royal West of England Academy, The Royal Society of British Artists, The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour, The Royal Society of Portrait Painters, The Contemporary British Portrait Painters Group and The New English Art Club. Before becoming an Associate, Michael exhibited at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, in both the RBSA portrait & open exhibitions.
Michael has won the GMC Trust 2nd prize at the RBSA & was presented the Davison award for oil painting from the Royal Society of British Artists. He took part in the NHS portraits for heroes project and his work was included in Tom Croft’s book, Portraits for NHS Heroes (Bloomsbury) & is included online in The Google Arts & Culture Healthcare Heroes project.