Introduction to Linoprinting Workshop with Eric Gaskell RBSA.
Eric is a professional printmaker and in this workshop he will help guide you through the steps; from drawing, (what kinds of images work for print), cutting, (which areas do you need to leave), proofing to the final print. Linocut is a traditional method of printmaking but as with any artform the first thing you need is an idea. Your ideas can come from life, memory, photographs or your imagination. Your drawing will help to show how the linocut “might” end up. When complete you’ll transfer the drawing onto the block. This print process is a slow deliberate act, so you’ll take your time, considering each cut. Then you’ll proof and check, before moving forward.
Age group and abilities to be taught
- 18 years and above.
- Suitable for adults of all ages and abilities including beginners, people looking to refresh their skills and those with some printmaking experience.
Course aims and skills/knowledge to be taught
- To create an original black and white print from a drawing
- Learn how to create a design for print
- Learn how to cut the design into a block of lino using specialist tools and equipment
- How to print proofs
- Learn how to print the final work
Course outline
Morning activity
- Eric will introduce the workshop and the process and stages to be worked through, providing examples.
- The group will draw out a design and receive guidance on how to make sure its suitable for print
- The design will then be transferred to the block, Eric will demonstrate how to do this.
- Once the drawing is on the block you can begin to cut. Eric will demonstrate how to do this and providing health and safety guidance.
Afternoon activity
- The block will be proofed a number of times to check on progress. At this stage, designs can be tweaked by cutting away more from the surface of the block.
- Once happy with the final proof, each group member can print a small edition of their final version. Eric will provide information on the different ways to press a block onto paper to transfer the design, (e.g using a roller, spoon, your hand, a press).
- Eric will discuss the pieces created so the group can identify how to develop their print work beyond the workshop.
Materials and equipment to be brought by participants
- Design ideas (e.g images to work from, sketches, photos etc)
- Apron or an old shirt (to protect clothes)
- Pencils and paper for ideas.
Materials and equipment provided
These will be provided for use during the workshop and are included in the fee. While all this equipment is provided, you may wish to bring your own as well.
- Lino block
- Reference material and examples
- A4 proofing paper
- Use of tools and ink
Methods of assessing outcomes
- Discussion of workshop and experiences with tutor and fellow participants and completion of evaluation form.
Booking information
- To book please use the ticketing system below. Alternatively, please call the Gallery on 0121 236 4353 during opening hours to book over the phone. Bookings can also be made in person at the Gallery.
- Booking is essential. Payment in full is required at the time of booking to secure a place.
- Payments are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- Places are limited to 10 people per workshop unless stated otherwise. Allocation will take place on a first-come first-served basis.
- All workshops run from 11.00am – 4.00pm with a 40 minute lunch break, unless otherwise stated. Tea and coffee will be provided, participants need to provide their own lunch.
- Please inform the RBSA Gallery when booking of any health conditions or additional needs as some workshops might not be suitable.
- A valid student ID must be provided to receive a student discount.
Cancellation Policy
- If you, the customer cancels your booked workshop, we are unable to offer you a refund.
- Transfers to an alternative workshop may be possible depending on the circumstance and is at the discretion of the RBSA Gallery.
- In the event of under-subscription, workshops may be cancelled or re-arranged. We will give you as much notice as possible if this happens and you will be able to transfer to another course or receive a full refund. The RBSA is unable to refund additional expenses, such as travel and accommodation.
- If you are booked on a workshop and do not turn up on the day, a refund will not be given.
Continual Professional Development (CPD) and Copyright
- We welcome bookings from people attending for Continual Professional Development (CPD). However, our workshops are not designed as CPD. If your employer is paying for the course or you require more details about what you expect from the course, please contact the Gallery in advance before booking.
- The workshop content and any information provided (e.g. handouts, guidance notes, etc.) are the intellectual property of the artist delivering the workshop. They should not be used or reproduced without permission from the artist (e.g. copying handouts to use in any classes workshop attendees might deliver themselves afterwards).
Other information
- The workshop will take place in the RBSA Gallery, floor 1. The space will be closed to visitors and will only be used by workshop attendees. However, staff and volunteers will need to walk through the space at various points in the day to access the staff office, which is located on the same floor.
- Attendees can leave their materials in the workshop space during their breaks but the RBSA will not be responsible for any loss or damages.
- Please bring a packed lunch. Alternatively, there are a number of cafés and sandwich shops within walking distance of the Gallery.
- Please bring an old shirt or apron to help protect your clothing.
- The continuous redevelopment work in the city centre has caused increased traffic, delays, and diversions in and around the City Centre. Therefore, please allow yourself plenty of travel time, plan your route, and check your parking arrangements.
- If you are travelling by car, please ensure your car is clean air zone compliant, or charges may occur.