Corporate Membership

The RBSA Corporate Membership scheme allows businesses and organisations to support the RBSA and help us to maintain our independence, conserve the archive and collection, and support RBSA artists to develop their work.

RBSA Corporate Members

Corporate Members Scheme

Level 1: £250 per year

You will receive:​

Acknowledgement of your support on the website

Acknowledgement of your support in our exhibition programme brochure produced 3 times per year and widely distributed to venues across Birmingham

Invitations to private views, events and activities

A complimentary copy of RBSA exhibition catalogues when produced

20% discount on corporate event hire

Copies of  all RBSA Exhibition Programme brochures

Level 2: £550 per year

All the benefits of Level 1 membership plus:

Private artist/curator led tour of one exhibition per year for up to 10 people

20% discount on exhibition sponsorship

Level 3: £950 per year

All the benefits of Level 1 and 2 membership plus:

One studio visit per year with an artist of your choice for up to 5 people

Please note, the above levels of membership are available to individuals, please contact the Gallery Director to discuss.

Donor: £1250 per year

If you do not want to receive benefits or attend events but would still like to contribute to the RBSA, you can become a Donor.

The full amount you give will support the running costs of the organisation, in addition, if you are a UK tax payer, we can claim Gift Aid on your donation.

We will keep you up to date with our programme by email and will send through printed brochures. You are welcome to visit us at any time.

For more information please contact or call 0121 236 4353.